Girls Make Games Summer Goes Online
Dear GMG Community,
After much consideration, we have decided to move our summer program online. This news may not come as a surprise to you given the state of the world, nevertheless, it is disappointing and we are heart-broken over this big change.
Our summer curriculum development and testing is well underway, and we expect to share more in depth details including a daily agenda and updated tuition by mid-June.
At this time, we are able to share the following core changes:
- All summer programming (instruction, speaker sessions, community building, Demo Day) will be held online virtually
- Camp structure and programming will be tailored to two age groups: 8–12 and 13–18.
- Camp tuition will be lowered significantly, with at least 50% reduction
- Camp duration will be shortened to 2 weeks. Exact dates July 20–31
- Camp structure will change to building individual games rather than team games
- Public registration will go live on June 15th, but you may pre-register at
While this is our first time hosting online summer camps, we want to assure you that we are deeply committed to creating a unique and fun experience for our girls. The program’s goal to empower girls through game development and a supportive community remains unchanged.
We are immensely grateful to have our industry partners’ support for the decision to take the program online, and excited by the possibility of reaching kids who were unable to join in the past because the camp didn’t exist in their city.
Thank you for your patience and support as we chart the course for GMG’s 2020 summer. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions at
Team GMG